-- Please don't mess with this if you do not know what you are doing! if package.loaded["base_ctf"] then -- For CTF game mode put the include script here ConsoleToAll("CTF MODE") IncludeScript("game_readyup_surrender_pug") end --[[ -- For ALL game modes put the include script here --Jump gun removal Fruitcake function player_spawn( player_entity ) local player = CastToPlayer( player_entity ) player:AddHealth( 400 ) player:AddArmor( 400 ) player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kNails, 400 ) player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kShells, 400 ) player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kRockets, 400 ) player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kCells, 400 ) if (player:GetClass() == Player.kScout) then player:RemoveAllWeapons() player:GiveWeapon("ff_weapon_nailgun",false) player:GiveWeapon("ff_weapon_shotgun",false) player:GiveWeapon("ff_weapon_crowbar",false) player:GiveWeapon("ff_weapon_deploymancannon",false) end end ]]--