IncludeScript("base_ctf"); ------------------------------------------ -- jump triggers ------------------------------------------ base_jump = trigger_ff_script:new({ pushx = 0, pushy = 0, pushz = 0 }) -- push people when they touch the trigger function base_jump:ontouch( trigger_entity ) if IsPlayer( trigger_entity ) then local player = CastToPlayer( trigger_entity ) player:SetVelocity( Vector( self.pushx, self.pushy, self.pushz ) ) end end -- blueside red ramp rredjump = base_jump:new({ pushx = -1500, pushy = -1500, pushz = 0 }) --blueside blue ramp rbluejump = base_jump:new({ pushx = 1500, pushy = 1500, pushz = 0 }) --redside red ramp lbluejump = base_jump:new({ pushx = -1500, pushy = 1500, pushz = 0 }) --redside blue ramp lredjump = base_jump:new({ pushx = 1500, pushy = -1500, pushz = 0 }) ------------------------------------------ -- Class Limits ------------------------------------------ function startup() -- Team limits. SetPlayerLimit(Team.kBlue, 0) SetPlayerLimit(Team.kRed, 0) SetPlayerLimit(Team.kYellow, -1) SetPlayerLimit(Team.kGreen, -1) -- Blue team limits. local team = GetTeam(Team.kBlue) team:SetClassLimit(Player.kCivilian, -1) team:SetClassLimit(Player.kSniper, -1) team:SetClassLimit(Player.kPyro, -1) team:SetClassLimit(Player.kEnginner, 1) -- Red team limits. team = GetTeam(Team.kRed) team:SetClassLimit(Player.kCivilian, -1) team:SetClassLimit(Player.kSniper, -1) team:SetClassLimit(Player.kPyro, -1) team:SetClassLimit(Player.kEnginner, 1) end ------------------------------------------ -- remove projectiles (Credit to Squeek) -- ------------------------------------------ remove_projectiles = trigger_ff_script:new({ }) function remove_projectiles:allowed(allowed_entity) if IsNotProjectile(allowed_entity) then return false end return true end function IsNotProjectile( allowed_entity ) return IsPlayer(allowed_entity) or IsGrenade(allowed_entity) or IsTurret(allowed_entity) or IsDispenser(allowed_entity) or IsSentrygun(allowed_entity) or IsDetpack(allowed_entity) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Trigger for chasm (Borrowed from ff_haberton's lua, credit to Soylent) -- -- This removes all entities that I could figure out how to destroy. -- -- It does not touch players because Respawn()-ing them would destroy turrets -- jump pads and dispensers. -- -- It does not touch flags because it cannot. Flags are remove by flag_think(), -- called every few hundred milliseconds; flag_think respawns flags that fall -- below a certain z-value. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- chasm_trigger = trigger_ff_script:new( ) function chasm_trigger:ontouch( touch_entity ) if touch_entity then -- Make sure there is legitimate touch_entity. if IsPlayer(touch_entity) then return -- Don't touch players. else RemoveEntity( touch_entity ) -- Indiscriminately removes detpacks, grenades, pipes and possible other stuff. end end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Kills errant flags. Repeatedly triggered by AddScheduleRepeating from startup every few hundred ms. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function flag_think() local rflag = GetInfoScriptByName( "red_flag" ) if rflag then local loc = rflag:GetOrigin() if ( loc.z < -352 and rflag:IsDropped() ) then -- The red flag is dropped and in a bad location. -- Modified copy-paste from base_flag:onreturn to get the standardized look and feel. -- I would have expected base_flag:Return to call base_flag:onreturn but it does not and I cannot. -- Message that the flag has been returned. local team = GetTeam( Team.kRed ) SmartTeamMessage(team, "#FF_TEAMRETURN", "#FF_OTHERTEAMRETURN", Color.kYellow, Color.kYellow) SmartTeamSound(team, "yourteam.flagreturn", "otherteam.flagreturn") SmartTeamSpeak(team, "CTF_FLAGBACK", "CTF_EFLAGBACK") -- Clean up. RemoveHudItemFromAll( rflag:GetName() .. "location" ) -- Remove flag location. rflag:Return() -- Return to spawn. LogLuaEvent(0, 0, "flag_returned","flag_name",rflag:GetName()); -- Log event. rflag:refreshStatusIcons(rflag:GetName()) -- Refresh flag-status icons end end local bflag = GetInfoScriptByName( "blue_flag" ) if bflag then local loc = bflag:GetOrigin() if ( loc.z < -352 and bflag:IsDropped() ) then -- The blue flag is dropped and in a bad location. -- Modified copy-paste from base_flag:onreturn to get the standardized look and feel. -- I would have expected base_flag:Return to call base_flag:onreturn but it does not and I cannot. -- Message that the flag has been returned. local team = GetTeam( Team.kBlue ) SmartTeamMessage(team, "#FF_TEAMRETURN", "#FF_OTHERTEAMRETURN", Color.kYellow, Color.kYellow) SmartTeamSound(team, "yourteam.flagreturn", "otherteam.flagreturn") SmartTeamSpeak(team, "CTF_FLAGBACK", "CTF_EFLAGBACK") -- Clean up. RemoveHudItemFromAll( bflag:GetName() .. "location" ) -- Remove flag location. bflag:Return() -- Return to spawn. LogLuaEvent(0, 0, "flag_returned","flag_name",bflag:GetName()); -- Log event. bflag:refreshStatusIcons(bflag:GetName()) -- Refresh flag-status icons end end end -- Schedule a repeating flag check. If the flag is in the pit then it should be returned. AddScheduleRepeating( "flag loop", 0.2, flag_think )